Pi Hole

Posted on Dec 31, 2020

This article covers the consolidated steps to install Pi Hole on a Raspberry Pi 4 via Mac OS X.

Download disk image

Get the headless Raspberry Pi OS Lite image.

Install onto flash card

Based on the official install instructions copy the image onto the disk, summarised below:

sudo diskutil list (List all disks)
sudo diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN (Where diskN is the SD card)
sudo dd bs=1m if=2020-12-02-raspios-buster-armhf-lite.img of=/dev/rdiskN; sync
sudo diskutil eject /dev/rdiskN

NOTE: You will need to replace the image name with the one you downloaded

Setup headless SSH

As we won’t be connecting a monitory / keyboard, setup headless SSH. This will allow you to SSH in once DHCP has assigned an IP.

Mount the new image, and create a file called ssh in the root directory. e.g.

touch /Volumes/boot/ssh


Eject the SD card, insert into the Raspberry Pi. Connect to Ethernet and power-on.

Locate the IP address. This may be shown on your router (depending on it’s capabilities) or can be located with nmap, e.g.

nmap -v -sn <subnet>/24

Configure SSH

Connect to the Pi with SSH

ssh pi@<ip>

The default password is currently raspberry

First of all add your SSH key to the authorized_keys file

mkdir ~/.ssh
cat > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys <<EOF
# paste your key here

Log-out of the SSH session and log-in to check that the password is no-longer required. Once confirmed, disable password login in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

PasswordAuthentication no

Finally restart the ssh daemon with systemctl restart sshd (You may have to be root - sudo su -)

Install pi-hole

Follow the instructions on the pi-hole github page

curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash

Install by accepting defaults and make a note of the admin password on the last screen.

Configure clients

You can now configure clients (or router / DHCP server to use the raspberry pi for DNS)